Smaragdna Avantura
4 dni + 4 aktivnosti
Aktivne počitnice, ki vključujejo rafting, soteskanje, zip line Učja in najem gorskega kolesa ter tri nočitve v našem čudovitem resortu.
Svojo avanturo lahko tudi nadgradite z dodatno aktivnostjo (ali aktivnost zamenjate) oziroma nočitvijo. Pridružite se nam lahko kadarkoli, zato ne odlašajte z rezervacijo.
Cena paketa je odvisna od izbrane vrste namestitve.
Namestitev | Cena | Posebna ponudba | Prihranek |
Prostor za šotor | 300 €/os | 270 €/os | 30 €/os |
Soška Postelja | 414 €/os | 369 €/os | 45 €/os |
Soške Sanje | 489 €/os | 402 €/os | 87 €/os |
Soške Sanje Deluxe | 580 €/os | 492 €/os | 88 €/os |
* Navedene cene veljajo za paket (namestitev + aktivnosti) / osebo
Vsak dan od maja do oktobra
Cena vključuje
• 3 nočitve
• Rafting
• Soteskanje (Intro – Sušec)
• Zip Line Učja
• Najem gorskega kolesa
• Vse lokalne prevoze
Ne vkjučuje
• Zajtrka
• Kosila
• Večerje
• Prevoza do našega resorta
Dodatni stroški
• Prevoz do našega resorta
• Zajtrk, Kosilo, Večerja
Kaj potrebujete
Kopalke, brisačo, primerno obutev in topla oblačila (odvisno od časa obiska)
Predhodne izkušnje
Niso potrebne
Itinerar lahko popolnoma prilagodimo Vašim željam.
Rezerviraj svojo avanturo ZDAJ!
Ostali paketi
Multi Avantura
Multi Avantura
Soča Aktiv
Soča Aktiv
Kaj o nas pišejo obiskovalci
Mnenja gostov
“Really nice place with super friendly and helpful staff. Showers and Toilets were always clean and there is everything you need in the kitchen. You can book activitys right at the place and get pickt up there.”
“This place has special energy, it’s probably because of the great team that runs it. Very relaxing. Tents are big and spacious, everything kept very clean. Countless options to have a nice active vacation.”
“We stayed in a “Soca Dream to 2” and that was one of the best experiences we have had. The “tent” is awesome, there are great outdoor showers, very clean common toilets, great system to share the kitchen. You even have the possibility to eat the delicious meals of the cook there!”
“Great place ideal for also for children, Showers, toilets are realy wery clean, super beds (I was sleeping like an angel). Enough equipment for different games, child playground. Organized dinners – with local food, and more and more… And stuff? Plesent, friendly – simply the best!!!”